The word ‘geography’ has been in use since the time of
Eratosthenes. At fist it included all aspects dealing with description of earth
and its parts. As mentioned earliar, the word ‘geography’ consists of two Greek
words,’geo’(earth) and’graphein’ (to write). The former is more important and
refers to “the zone of contact of the solid, lipuid and gaseous masses that
make up the planet”, while the latter refers to the description of these
phenomenta in relation to “place , localization and distribution “. A descrption
of these earth-bound phenomena is geography.
There are varieties of phenomena occuring on the surface of
the earth- some are mutually inclusive, some are mutually exclusive, othere are
interrelated and interacting , while some are purely physical phenomena and
some are purely human phenomena .But all these phenomena , whether physical or
human, are relative , in as much as they have distinct ‘place’ of their
‘localization’ and ‘distribution’.A combination of both physical and human
phenomena, occuring on the earth’s surface as mutually interrelated and
interacting , appears to be the ‘core’ of geography
Stephen Redding, Daniel Sturm, and Nikolaus Wolf have also explored these
issues in two papers. They examined the effects of Germany’s division and
reunification on its economic geography.
In their 2011 paper, Redding, Sturm, and Wolf found
that the division of Germany led to a shift in the location of air hub traffic
from Berlin, where it had been concentrated, to Frankfurt. Following reunification,
they found no evidence of a shift back to Berlin.
interpreted this evidence in the following way: The division of Germany after World
War II made continued hub operations in Berlin less profitable because that
city became more isolated relative to other cities in the new West Germany.
became relatively more attractive and subsequently became the preeminent air
hub. Finally, reunification made Berlin less isolated and therefore a more
attractive location for hub activities relative to its Cold War value. However,
the authors found no evidence of a return of air traffic to Berlin; in fact,
hub traffic continued to rise in Frankfurt and decline in Berlin following
reunification. Thus, a historical shock had a permanent effect on the
distribution of economic activity.
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