Friday, January 11, 2013

Geography and Location for Man

Geography and  Location

The first theme geographers use is location. This tells us exactly where in the world something
is. Just as your home has a street address, every place has a ``global address'' identified by
latitude and longitude. If you know these numbers and how to use them, you can find any place
in the world and give its absolute location.

Geographers also ask why things are located in particular places. How do these places influence
our lives?

 For example, Baltimore, Maryland, was founded at 39.3o (degrees) orth latitude and
76.6o (degrees) West longitude on an inland harbor.

It is a major shipping port for the eastern seaboard with direct land routes by train and highway to cities throughout the United States. Many people who live in Baltimore are involved in waterfront activities such as shipping, loading, and fishing.

Very young children will not be able to understand concepts like latitude and longitude, or even
left and right. However, young children learn body awareness—the shape of the body and how
much space it takes up, where the different body parts are, how the body moves and rests, how
the voice is a part of the body. This is the beginning of an understanding of location.

Young children learn that they relate to other people and physical things. To help young children
learn location, make sure they know the color and style of the building in which they live, the
name of their town, and their street address. Then, when you talk about other places, they have
something of their own with which to compare.

These themes were developed by professional geographers and are now being used in many
schools. They are:

·         Where are things located?
·         What characteristics make a place special?
·         What are the relationships among people and places?
·         What are the patterns of movement of people, products, and information?
·         How can the Earth be divided into regions for study?

Each chapter begins with some background, examples of questions geographers ask, and some
explanations of the early developmental skills that are involved. Next, there are two sets of
activities—one for children ages 2 to 3 and a second set for children ages 4 to 5. These activities
will help children gain the skills that lay the foundation for the study of geography.

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