Wednesday, January 9, 2013


You may be planning to go to university, or you may only be at the stage of choosing to study the subject
further within the school curriculum. Most students enjoy the scope of the material they cover in geography,

The skills you use in your geographical studies make you of potential interest to a wide range of employers.The close link between the subject and the world around us makes for a long and varied list of related careers for example working with development or aid agencies, environmental work, using Geographical Information Systems, working for the census office and in tourism and recreation.

However most of these areas involve only one part of the broad subject of geography.Statistics show that compared with other subjects, geographers are among the most employable. Many of those leaving university with a geography degree enter three fields of employment: administration and management; marketing or financial work. This is presumably because geographers possess the abilities and
skills that employers look for.

Employers want people with good communication skills – geography courses include a wide range of written and oral skills writing essays, projects and oral presentations.Employers want people who can work in a team – Fieldwork is an essential component of geography courses and is an ideal setting in which to develop teamwork and leadership skills.

Employers want people who can manage themselves – The preparation of a GCSE or A Level investigation fosters such skills.Employers want people who can analyses their work - Geographical Investigations test hypotheses and involve analysis.

Employers want people who are numerate and literate – Geographers are used to manipulating and
interpreting data and preparing reports which encourages conciseness and clarity in the use of language.
Employers want people who can ask questions and then find the answers – Geographers can pose problem sand then investigate the answers. They can undertake complex decision making exercises using informational a variety of scales.

Employers want people who are computer literate – Geographers use ITC in many aspects of their work, for data collection, through the Internet, analysis spreadsheets, all vital skills, especially in a commercial
business environment.Employers want people who are spatially aware – Geographers use maps all the time.

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